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Never get a flat tire again, ever?

    vancouver flat tire towing

    Getting a flat tire is one of the most disruptive things that could happen to someone’s day.  You’re driving on the road with a whole day’s plan ahead of you and suddenly your tire blows out and you’re stuck on the side of the road.  There goes the next 2 hours as you deal with either fixing it yourself, or calling a towing company to help you out.

    By the way, in case you ever get a flat tire, it’s always helpful to read up on some flat tire advice before hand so that you’ll be well prepared on how to deal with it in the most efficient and safest way.

    Nobody likes a flat tire…  But what if there was a way to completely rid the possibility of having that inconvenience happening to you, ever?

    Well, the puncture-proof tires of the future that never go flat are coming into widespread production for the masses… in the near future.  Though the concept was originally developed for the army and has been around for a few years now, the tires are still undergoing research and development and have not made it into the hands of average consumers yet.  However, Michelin and other companies have begun to build manufacturing plants to start mass producing these tires.

    Check out the tires in action in the video below: